Full List of 256 ABU Masters Programs plus General Entry Requirements

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Just like the Undergraduate, Ph.D., and PGD programs, the list of ABU Masters Programs is long. A total of 256 master’s programs are currently on offer across the 13 faculties in the university through the ABU Postgraduate School.

With the directive from the national Universities Commission (NUC) to all Nigerian universities to scrape mass communication as a course and create a separate faculty for it, we expect the list of ABU Masters Programs to increase in length in the coming few sessions.

ABU Masters Programs - ABU Zaria Masters programs
ABU Postgraduate School.
ALSO READ: Complete List of ABU Ph.D. Programs for 2019/2020 Session

Interested and qualified candidates are always required to visit;  https://spgs.abu.edu.ng/forms/ and create an account to obtain a unique Transaction ID which you will use to pay for your application form.

All PG application forms cost =N=10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) only. However, the banks will also charge a fee in addition to the cost of application forms.

Complete List of ABU Masters Programs
1LLM Commercial Law
2LLM Islamic Law
3LLM Private Law
4LLM Public Law
5LLM Public Law (Full-time)
6M.A African Cultural Studies
7M.A African Lang. (Arabic) Full-time
8M.A African Lang. (Hausa) Full-time
9M.A African Language
10M.A African Literature
11M.A Arabic (Languagee)
12M.A Arabic (Literature)
13M.A Arabic Language
14M.A Arabic Literature
15M.A Archaelogy (Full-Time)
16M.A Art Pedogogy (Full-time)
17M.A Arts History (Full-time)
18M.A Development Comm. (Full-Time)
19M.A Drama (Full-time)
20M.A English Lang. (Full-Time)
21M.A English Literature (Full-Time)
22M.A French (Full-Time)
23M.A History (Full-time)
24M.A Industrial Design (Full-time)
25M.A Law (Full-Time)
26M.A Literature (Full-Time)
27M.A Philosophy
28M.A Theatre Performing Arts (Full-Time)
30M.Ed Admin. & Planning (Full-Time)
31M.Ed Arabic Education
32M.Ed Biology Education
33M.Ed Business Education (Full-Time)
34M.Ed Chemistry Education
35M.Ed Clothing & Textiles
36M.Ed Creative Arts Education
37M.Ed CRS. (Full-Time)
38M.Ed Curriculum & Instruc. (Full-Time)
39M.Ed Education Psychology
40M.Ed Family and Child Development
41M.Ed Geography Education
42M.Ed Guid. & Counselling (Full-Time)
43M.Ed Guidance and Counselling
44M.Ed Health Education (Full-Time)
45M.Ed Home Economics (Full-Time)
46M.Ed Instruction Technology
47M.Ed Integrated Science
48M.Ed Islamic Studies (Full-Time)
49M.Ed Language Arts
50M.Ed Language Arts (Hausa)
51M.Ed Maths Education(Full Time)
52M.Ed Measurement and Evaluation
53M.Ed Physical Education (Full-Time)
54M.Ed Physics Education
55M.Ed Psychology (Full-Time)
56M.Ed Science Education (Full-Time)
57M.Ed Social Studies (Full-Time)
58M.Ed Teaching English as Second Language (Full-Time)
59M.Ed Vocational & Technical Education
60M.PHIL (Political Science)
61M.Phil Accounting and Finance (Full time)
62M.Phil Business Administration
63M.Phil Chemical Pathology (Full-Time)
64M.Phil Disaster Management
65M.PHIL in Policy and Dev. Studies(Full-time)
68M.PHIL International Relations
69M.Phil Library & Information Science
71M.Phil Philosophy
73M.Phil Theriogenology
74M.Sc Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
75M.Sc Accounting and Finance
76M.Sc Agric. Economics
77M.Sc Agric. Engineering
78M.Sc Agric. Extension & Rural Sociology
79M.Sc Agronomy
80M.Sc Analytical Chemistry
81M.Sc Animal. Science (Full-Time)
82M.Sc Applied Geophysics (Full-Time)
83M.Sc Aquatic Medicine
84M.Sc Architecture
85M.Sc Avian Medicine
87M.Sc Biochemistry (Full-Time)
88M.Sc Biological Science
89M.sc Biotechnology
90M.Sc Botany
91M.Sc Building Services (Full-time)
92M.Sc Business Administration (Full-Time)
93M.Sc Chemical Engineering (Full-Time)
94M.Sc Chemical Pathology
95M.Sc Chemistry (Full-Time)
96M.Sc Chemistry (Part-Time)
97M.Sc Civil Eng. (Full-Time)
98M.Sc Clinical Haematology
99M.Sc Clinical Pharmacy
100M.Sc Colour Chem. & Tech.(Full-Time)
101M.Sc Communications Engineering
102M.Sc Computer engineering
103M.Sc Computer Science (Full-Time)
104M.Sc Construction Material (Full-Time)
105M.Sc Contr. Manag. (Full-time)
106M.Sc Contr. Tech. (Full-time)
107M.Sc Control Engineering
108M.Sc Crop Breeding (Full-Time)
109M.Sc Crop Physiology
110M.Sc Crop Protection (Full-time)
111M.Sc Demog. Pop. Studies (Full-Time)
112M.Sc Disaster Management
113M.Sc Economics (Full-time)
114M.Sc Educational Biology
115M.Sc Electric Machines and Industrial Drives
116M.Sc Electrical Engineering (Full-time)
117M.Sc Electronics Engineering
118M.Sc Energy Studies
119M.SC Engineering Management (Part-Time)
120M.Sc Env. Manag. (Full-Time)
121M.Sc Environmental Chemistry
122M.Sc Environmental Engineering
123M.Sc Equine Medicine
124M.Sc Equine Surgery
125M.Sc Exercise and Sports Sciences (Full-Time)
126M.Sc Farm Power and Machinery
127M.Sc Fibre and Polymer
128M.Sc Fisheries
129M.Sc Food Animal Medicine
130M.Sc Food Animal Surgery
131M.Sc Geo. Information System (Full-Time)
132M.Sc Geography (Full-Time)
133M.Sc Geology (Full-Time)
134M.sc Geomatics (Full-Time)
135M.Sc Geophysics (Full-Time)
136M.Sc Geotechnics (Full-Time)
137M.Sc Glass Technology
138M.Sc Human Anatomy (Full-time)
139M.Sc Human Physiology (Full-time)
140M.Sc Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology
141M.Sc Immunology
142M.Sc Inform. Science (Full-Time)
143M.Sc Inorganic Chememistry
144M.Sc International Relation (FT)
146M.Sc Mass Communication (Full-time)
147M.Sc Mathematics (Full-Time)
148M.Sc Mechanical Engineering (Full-Time)
150M.Sc Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (Full-Time)
151M.Sc Microbiology (Full-Time)
152M.Sc Nuclear Engineering
153M.Sc Nuclear Physics
154M.Sc Nuclear Science
155M.Sc Nursing Sciences(Full Time)
158M.Sc Organic Chemistry
159M.Sc Orthopaedic Surgery
160M.Sc Pathology (Clinical Lab Mgt.)
161M.Sc Petroleum Chemistry
162M.Sc Pharm.Microbiology (Full-Time)
163M.Sc Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
164M.Sc Pharmaceutics
165M.Sc Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
166M.Sc Pharmacognosy and Drug Development (Full-Time)
167M.Sc Pharmacology
168M.Sc Physical Chem. (Full-Time)
169M.Sc Physics (Full-Time)
171M.Sc Plant Breeding (AGRA) Full Time
172M.Sc Policy and Dev. Studies (F/T)
173M.Sc Political Science (Full-time)
174M.Sc Polymer Sci.& Tech.(Full-Time)
175M.Sc Power Machine System Engineering
176M.Sc Production Engineering
178M.Sc Public Administration (Full-Time)
179M.Sc Public Health (Full-Time)
180M.Sc Public Health (Part-Time)
182M.Sc Radiation Biophysics (Full-Time)
183M.Sc Radiation Biophysics (Part-Time)
184M.Sc Regional Planning (Full-Time)
185M.Sc Remote Sensing and GIS (Full-Time)
186M.Sc Rural Development (Full-Time)
187M.Sc Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship (FT)
189M.Sc Small Animal Dermatology
190M.Sc Small Animal Infectious Diseases
191M.Sc Small Animal Internal Medicine
192M.Sc Sociology (Full-time)
193M.Sc Soft Tissues Surg.
194M.Sc Soil Science (Full-time)
195M.Sc Sports Management (Full-Time)
196M.Sc Statistics (Full-Time)
197M.Sc Structure (Full-Time)
198M.Sc Telecommunication Engineering
199M.Sc Textile Sci.& Tech.(Full-Time)
200M.Sc Theriogenology (Full-Time)
201M.Sc Tourism & Recreation (Full-Time)
202M.Sc Transport Manag. (Full-Time)
203M.Sc Transportation and High Way (Full-Time)
204M.Sc Urban Management (Full-Time)
205M.Sc Vet Diagnostic Imaging
206M.Sc Vet. Anaesthesiology
207M.Sc Vet. Anatomy (Full-Time)
208M.Sc Vet. Pharmacology(Full-Time)
209M.Sc Vet. Physiology (Full-Time)
210M.Sc Vet. Physiology (Part-Time)
211M.Sc Vet. Public Health & Preventive Medicine
212M.Sc Vet. Toxicology (Full-Time)
213M.Sc Veterinary Entomology
214M.Sc Veterinary Epidemiology
215M.Sc Veterinary Helminthology
216M.Sc Veterinary Microbiology (Full-Time)
217M.Sc Veterinary Pathology
218M.Sc Veterinary Protozoology
219M.Sc Water Resources & Environmental Engineering (Full-Time)
220M.Sc Wildlife Medicine
221M.Sc Wildlife Surgery
222M.Sc Zoology
223M.Sc(Ed) Agricultural Education (Full-Time)
224Master in Building (Part-Time)
225Master in Environmental Chemistry
226Master in Journalism (MIJ)
227Master in Peace and Conflict Management (MPCM)
228Master in Petroleum Chemistry
229Master in Reproductive Health (MRH)
230Master in Strategic Communication (MISC)
231Master in Transport & Logistics (MTL)
232Master in Tropical Veterinary Medicine (MTVM)
233Masters in Accounting (Part-Time)
234Masters in Banking and Finance (Part-Time)
235Masters in Building
236Masters in Business Administration (Full-time)
237Masters in Business Administration (Part-Time)
238Masters in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies
239Masters in Facilities Management (Part-time)
240Masters in Fine Arts – Painting (Full-time)
241Masters in Fine Arts – Sculpture (Full-time)
242Masters in Intern. Affairs & Diplomacy (Part-time)
243Masters in Landscape Architecture (Part-Time)
244Masters in Law enforc. Criminal Justice(MLC) (Part-Time)
245Masters in Library and Information Science (Full-time)
246Masters in Policy and Dev. Studies (MFDS)(Part-time)
247Masters in Public Administration (Full-Time)
248Masters in Public Administration (Part-Time)
249Masters in Urban Design (Full-Time)
250Masters in Urban Design (Part-Time)
251Masters Inform. Management (Part-time)
252Masters of Archive and Records Management (Full-Time)
253Masters of Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship (PT)
254MPA in Local Government
255MPH Field Epidemiology (FELTP)
256MPH Masters Public
ABU Masters Programs – General Entry Requirements.

An applicant for Postgraduate studies must have met the normal undergraduate requirements of at least five relevant O’ level credits or a combination of relevant O’ level credits and A ‘level qualifications (in a maximum of 2 sittings) such as IJMB, HND, HSC, NCE, etc. In all cases these must include a credit in O’ level English Language and Mathematics (where required).

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: ABU Postgraduate Admission Requirements – Faculty of Administration

A holder of HND (minimum of an Upper Credit) or equivalent is ordinarily not qualified for Masters Admission in ABU except where he/she has acquired an additional qualification such as a PGD in the same or related field whereby he/she may be admitted.

Applicants with 3rd class Degrees can, in some cases, be admitted, provided they possess additional relevant qualifications such as a PGD and/or post-graduation work experience (at least 5 years) acceptable to the University.

Holders of a Pass degree or HND (lower than an Upper Credit) are not eligible for ABU Masters Programs.

Where a Master or Ph.D. student is unable to complete his/her study within the stipulated time, such a student shall be awarded the relevant PGD or M.Phil. respectively (where applicable).

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Chila Andrew Aondofa

Founder/Team lead at TheAbusite.com | Abusite | Entrepreneur | Activist | Humanitarian | All Inquiries to info@theabusites.com. SMS/WhatsApp +2349015751816

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